Development and maintenance of Arkkiivi
The Arkkiivi user interface and the components it contains have been developed in the project Using artificial intelligence to improve the quality and usability of digital records (Dalai) in 2021–2023.
The purpose of the project was to develop solutions for the automation of the digitisation of documents belonging to the cultural heritage and the automated description of documents through artificial intelligence. Target group comprises especially memory organisations, such as archives, museums and libraries that digitise and provide digital archival materials to their customers, as well as companies developing services related to digitising and processing digital materials.
Dalai’s results are freely available to everyone. Component and Arkkiivi user interface codes and instructions can be found on the GitHub website. The Arkkiivi user interface is part of the digital environment of the Mikkeli Memory Campus and responsibility for its maintenance at the end of the project lies with Digitalia.
The project was funded by the European Regional Development Fund’s “Sustainable growth and jobs 2012–2020” programme and the City of Mikkeli. The project partners were the National Archives of Finland, the Central Archives for Finnish Business Records Elka, South-Eastern Finland University of Applied Sciences and Disec Oy.
Read more about Dalai here
Arkkiivi’s banner image by Teemu Perhiö/The National Archives of Finland.